MarkovBot Dev Diary #1

By: Cam Wohlfeil
Published: 2019-02-08 1440 EST
Category: DevDiary
Tags: python, markovbot

Project Repository

Unlike with Shelf, I didn't create a post for this project before I got started. It's been on the backburner for a while now due to time and frustration, but it's been living on in the back of my mind now since I did have fun working on it.

The basic idea here is just a Python bot that reads the messages in a Discord server and can generate a Markov sentence based on the messages. Easy enough since and markovify exist, but I overcomplicated it last time and got frustrated trying to store everything in a database to support server separation and per user Markov sentences, plus hadn't finished their support for Python 3.7. At least in the process I learned and a lot about async/await.

This time, I've decided to go back to basics, just use a simple deque to collect only new messages. Once that's working I'll move on to adding more features, such as:
