2018 Resolutions
By: Cam Wohlfeil
Published: 2018-01-01 0000 EST
Modified: 2018-01-07 0000 EST
Category: General
Practice German more
- 50+xp daily in Duolingo until gold
- Daily goal in Memrise until completed, then review
- Work through grammar book
- Work through readers
- Pass A1 exam
- Consume German media
Bodyweight workout at least every other day
- 100 squats
- 50 push ups
- 5x10 sec reps/seconds planks, left right and center
- 5x10 sec glute bridge with leg raise, right and left.
- 100 jumping jacks
- Increase when it becomes easy, add leg lifts, spiderman pushups, lunges, sprints, burpees, and jump rope.
- Cook more and eat out less.
- Buy seasonal, local, cage-free, antibiotic-free food more often (not GMO-free or organic).
- No drinks besides water and club soda.
- Keto-lite diet: low carb, no sugar, no starch, no breading. Rice is okay in reason.
Professional Development
- Finish my MCSA, and then my MCSE.
- Keep working on my degree, if not finish.
- No missing class without extenuating circumstances.
- Write and program more.
- Finish and publish some personal projects.
- Pay down debt and save more money.
- Ride my bike to work on nice days.
- Ride my motorcycle more, especially to class.
- Spend more time with family and friends.
- Work on my relationships and being more outgoing.
- Reduce my environmental impact.
- Take more vacation time, even working vacations.
- Try to get more remote work.