2017 General Retrospective

By: Cam Wohlfeil
Published: 2018-01-08 0000 EST
Category: General

What a year it's been. It's easily been my best year in a long time since I've accomplished so much and made positive changes in my life that will snowball into more long term, positive, structural changes. At the beginning of the year it would have been impossible for me to guess things would go so well since it started so poorly, however things did start to level off and improve quickly but a long plateau ensued. I'd have to say my life has been following the hype cycle since mid-2015, with the end of last year and the beginning of this one being the trough of disillusion.

Some changes I've made:

Now a lot of these changes are relatively recent and require a huge thank to a magical pill I'm now prescribed, but looking at this list makes me so hopeful for next year.

R.I.P Ashley, the best cat I've ever known. Welcome to the family Rustin and Katya.